259 research outputs found

    Scheduling commercial advertisements for television

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    The problem of scheduling the commercial advertisements in the television industry is investigated. Each advertiser client demands that the multiple airings of the same brand advertisement should be as spaced as possible over a given time period. Moreover, audience rating requests have to be taken into account in the scheduling. This is the first time this hard decision problem is dealt with in the literature. We design two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models. Two constructive heuristics, local search procedures and simulated annealing (SA) approaches are also proposed. Extensive computational experiments, using several instances of various sizes, are performed. The results show that the proposed MILP model which represents the problem as a network flow obtains a larger number of optimal solutions and the best non-exact procedure is the one that uses SA

    A Mining-Based Compression Approach for Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    In this paper, we propose an extension of our Mining for SAT framework to Constraint satisfaction Problem (CSP). We consider n-ary extensional constraints (table constraints). Our approach aims to reduce the size of the CSP by exploiting the structure of the constraints graph and of its associated microstructure. More precisely, we apply itemset mining techniques to search for closed frequent itemsets on these two representation. Using Tseitin extension, we rewrite the whole CSP to another compressed CSP equivalent with respect to satisfiability. Our approach contrast with previous proposed approach by Katsirelos and Walsh, as we do not change the structure of the constraints.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.441

    A quadtree-based allocation method for a class of large discrete Euclidean location problems: large location problems

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    A special data compression approach using a quadtree-based method is proposed for allocating very large demand points to their nearest facilities while eliminating aggregation error. This allocation procedure is shown to be extremely effective when solving very large facility location problems in the Euclidian space. Our method basically aggregates demand points where it eliminates aggregation-based allocation error, and disaggregates them if necessary. The method is assessed first on the allocation problems and then embedded into the search for solving a class of discrete facility location problems namely the p-median and the vertex p-centre problems. We use randomly generated and TSP datasets for testing our method. The results of the experiments show that the quadtree-based approach is very effective in reducing the computing time for this class of location problems

    Speeding up the optimal method of Drezner for the p-centre problem in the plane

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    This paper revisits an early but interesting optimal algorithm first proposed by Drezner to solve the continuous p-centre problem. The original algorithm is reexamined and efficient neighbourhood reductions which are mathematically supported are proposed to improve its overall computational performance. The revised algorithm yields a considerably high reduction in computational time reaching, in some cases, a decrease of 96%. This new algorithm is now able to find proven optimal solutions for large data sets with over 1300 demand points and various values of p for the first time

    Decision Science in Action: Theory and Applications of Modern Decision Analytic Optimisation

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    This book provides essential insights into a range of newly developed numerical optimization techniques with a view to solving real-world problems. Many of these problems can be modeled as nonlinear optimization problems, but due to their complex nature, it is not always possible to solve them using conventional optimization theory. Accordingly, the book discusses the design and applications of non-conventional numerical optimization techniques, including the design of benchmark functions and the implementation of these techniques to solve real-world optimization problems. The book’s twenty chapters examine various interesting research topics in this area, including: Pi fraction-based optimization of the Pantoja–Bretones–Martin (PBM) antenna benchmarks; benchmark function generators for single-objective robust optimization algorithms; convergence of gravitational search algorithms on linear and quadratic functions; and an algorithm for the multi-variant evolutionary synthesis of nonlinear models with real-valued chromosomes. Delivering on its promise to explore real-world scenarios, the book also addresses the seismic analysis of a multi-story building with optimized damper properties; the application of constrained spider monkey optimization to solve portfolio optimization problems; the effect of upper body motion on a bipedal robot’s stability; an ant colony algorithm for routing alternate-fuel vehicles in multi-depot vehicle routing problems; enhanced fractal dimension-based feature extraction for thermal face recognition; and an artificial bee colony-based hyper-heuristic for the single machine order acceptance and scheduling problem. The book will benefit not only researchers, but also organizations active in such varied fields as Aerospace, Automotive, Biotechnology, Consumer Packaged Goods, Electronics, Finance, Business & Banking, Oil, Gas & Geosciences, and Pharma, to name a few

    Performance Prediction and Analytics of Fuzzy, Reliability and Queuing Models : Theory and Applications

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    This book presents the latest developments and breakthroughs in fuzzy theory and performance prediction of queuing and reliability models by using the stochastic modeling and optimization theory. The main focus is on analytics that use fuzzy logic, queuing and reliability theory for the performance prediction and optimal design of real-time engineering systems including call centers, telecommunication, manufacturing, service organizations, etc. For the dayto- day as well as industrial queuing situations and reliability prediction of machining parts embedded in computer, communication and manufacturing systems, the book assesses various measures of performance and effectiveness that can provide valuable insights and help arrive at the best decisions with regard to service and engineering systems. In twenty chapters, the book presents both theoretical developments and applications of the fuzzy logic, reliability and queuing models in a diverse range of scenarios. The topics discussed will be of interest to researchers, educators and undergraduate students in the fields of Engineering, Business Management, and the Mathematical Sciences

    New MAXCAP Related Problems: Formulation and Model Solutions: A class of competitive location problems

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    In this paper three related problems of the maximum capture (MAXCAP) model are proposed. These include the case where facilities provide a certain amount of service level for the customers, the possibility where customers do not allocate their demand completely to one facility but prorate their demand based on the service level, and finally we explore the situation where customers will not opt for sharing their demand irrespective of the service level if the next attractive facility is too far way which we express by a distance threshold. These models are put forward to mimic realistic situations related to customer behaviour when it comes to selecting a facility. Their respective mathematical formulations are put forward and tested on a case study and also over a range of larger data sets
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